Saturday, December 27, 2008

time to break the news

if you've read my sister-in-law's blog, you have heard the news. a baby on the way. well, i guess we'll jump on the band wagon. we too are expecting in august. august 1st to be exact! we are just a month a part and it will be wonderful to have someone to share the ups and downs with who can actually relate! we're on our way to being a fuller family. yikes. what have i done??? just kidding. we are excited and feel so blessed. we surprised both families seperatly. mine on christmas day and rich's last night. we wrapped this picture up and gave it to our parents.

on the gift tag of my parents we signed it from my aunt and uncle. this completely confused them for about a minute or two. they finally got it, with the hinting of the rest of the family. it was too fun. rich's mom opened hers as a "birthday "gift." it took her a minute or two too. all in all it was worth the wait. with the boy, we waited till i was 10 weeks. i was soooo sick, tired, and just plain out of it with no one to tell. torture! it was sooo hard to hide it. by the time we surprised the family my sickness passed. dang! no sympathy! i'm takin full advantage this time! and don't worry, i've been plenty sick and tired. i'm a sleeping champ!
so now i'm on to preperations. we're working on potty training the boy, gotta start thinking about a big boy bed/room, and that means we have to clean out the office! yuck. now that's a project i DON'T want to tackle. well anyway. now everyone knows and there's no reason to have to put on an act anymore.
so merry christmas everyone and a happy new year!!!!


Rich Smith said...

I can't wait Babe! Rykon is going to be a great Big Brother!
Just think another Smith Boy!

Angela said...

Congratulations! How exciting for you both!

Dionna said...

Awww. What an exciting time. Congratulations.

Matt said...

Congrats. Pretty weak I am finding out on a blog Rich & Steph. See you soon.

Sue said...

Welcome to the "Mommie of two" club! I'm so excited for you!

Jen said...

can't wait for another baby!!!

fab5 said...

Congrats! We are very excited for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

Erin Boyle said...

I am so thrilled for you and Rich! You are so blessed!

Alisha Beverly said...

Ohhhhhhh! Yeah!!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! Yeah! Our babys will be close to the same age. How exciting!

Rosemarie said...

Hi, Steph!
Wow! That's exciting--I can't wait! the pics of Rykon are beautiful--and now another one on the way! i'm glad you're feeing better; it's tough those first few months.

i don't know if you've heard my big news? Michelle is expecting too! i am really excited! her baby is due July 26. She and her boyfriend live in Amarillo. She has been there almost a year and is training in hotel management, but wants to stay home after the baby is born. i think we need to have a family reunion with all these new babies!


Kim said...

Congrats :) K

Philip and Melissa said...

YeaHHHHH!!!!!!!! THAT IS SOOO AWESOME!!!! Congrats sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

Yea, CONGRATULATIONS Rich and Steph! How exciting. We're so happy for you.