Friday, October 17, 2008

country bumpkins

so, i may be the first to put this info out there, or like usual, i'm the last to know, thinking i'm the first. if you are a lover of country, then i have a radio station for you. i ran across it yesterday while looking for something else. on my dial, it's 90.9. it's called God's country. it's all uplifting/spiritual country music from today's country artist, secular and christian. they share verses and encouragment and just play some down right good music. it's a lot like "the rise up show" on sunday mornings. if you like that sort of thing, you'll love this station. a lot of songs i've never heard which is fun AND heck, if it's god's station, then i should probably listen huh? so get patriotic or spiritual or somethin and tune in to 90.9 !!!!


Alisha Beverly said...

Oh awesome! I love country! Thanks!

Life As I Know It said...

I'm a country lover as well. Thanks for the tip!

Lorilu said...

No I think this time you ARE the first to know! Thanks! I will ck it out.