nope, not golf. more like tea time. let's pretend we're sitting down for tea, just the two of us, on a beautiful, crisp fall morning, fireplace crackling in the background and we begin to "tell all." (that is actually what the t stands for.) this is just something i'm starting on my blog and i'd love for you to join me. i don't know about you, but i just love when someone tells me some juicy info about themselves. something i would never have guessed. it can be something completely random like a phobia, something you totally love but never really tell people about, or maybe a dark secret that you just need to shout from the mountain tops so that maybe people will be able to understand you a little better.
i'll start with a few. if you do decide to join in, either leave it on my comments OR do your own on your web page and let me know so i can check it out.
sooooo. what do you say we get intimate? here goes....
1. so when i was a freshman at LU, we were given the opportunity to go on a fully paid 8 day, 7 night tour of Israel. the whole thing paid for!!!!! and i chose not to go because the guy i was dating at the time did not want to go! can you believe how stupid that was? i mean, Israel, the country that is getting harder and harder to get in to. the one where Jesus, Paul, and soooo many others have gone before me. one of the country that i most desire to visit! oh, i could beat the crud out of myself all over again for that one.
2. i underline like crazy in my bible, any time i see a verse that speaks to me. this is so that i can find it again when i need it because i stink at memorizing scripture. i think i've let it become a crutch and replace the real thing. i can usually find a scripture on a subject that i need, but only if it's underlined. this is a weakness god and i are working on right now. i've been challenged by my mentor to memorize a whole chapter in psalms. so far, not so great. i've gotten only three down, but am working diligently to overcome and tear down this "barrier" i've allowed to be built in my life.
3. i used to have no vibrato. i took voice lessons from a woman in Virginia who was one of the first black opera singers in new york and she said she'd never seen anyone with that "problem." (yes she thought it was a problem:O) but she believed it was directly linked to my self confidence. she said, she'd work with me vocally to strengthen my muscles, but that as i worked through some stuff, i'd begin to see a change in my voice. she was right. very right in fact. my voice completely changed as i began to exercise my vocal chords and seek healing from the lord. before i knew it, i too had a vibrato. and on the note of singing, i still get terribly nervous EVERY time i sing a solo. like sick to my stomach. but she helped me to see that we need that adrenaline. it actually can boost the quality of our voice if understood.
4. i have a funny idiosyncrasy. when i sit to eat at a restaurant, i line everything up (glass, plate, silverware) evenly so as to be symmetrical (or at least my idea of symmetrical). when i drive, i constantly adjust my hands to be even on the steering wheel. i can obsess for hours over the way i want my decor "staged." for instance; my mantel and the thing that stinks is in the end, i still don't like it cause i don't think i'm very good at it. i guess it's like i can't quite get the "symmetry" of it right or something.
ok....so now it's your turn. spill the beans.
There are so many I wouldn't even know where to beging.
One that is hard for me is being messy. I can't stand for my kids to get messy, their clothes, hands, face to get dirty. It is so bad that once in public I saw a kid eating a dark colored ice cream cone and it was dripping down his face and onto his shirt. His hands and face were covered. I almost had a panic attack. It took my mom and aunt to keep me from going over with the baby wipes to clean him up. Ridiculous...I know.
One more...and this isn't something I have ever publicly shared, but I think it's one of those things that if people knew they would understand me a little better. I have severe anxiety issues. It started when we moved to Oregon. It got so bad that I finally had to see a doctor and am now on medication for it. Most people think I am just boring and would rather be home than do anything fun, but the truth is, for a long time I was AFRAID to do anything.
So there you go. Intimate "T" time with Jessica! :O)
Let's see...I am V-E-R-Y good at listening to (or eavesdropping, however you want to look at it) on other peoples conversations without looking like I'm doing it. Don't ever think that I am not paying attention because I am ALWAYS paying attention.
I want to know somebody famous. Really famous. Someone that can give me just a piece of the glamourous life without having to live it. If you wanted to make a go of singing and get really famous I wouldn't mind.
jess, thank you soooo much for sharing that. and yes...it does help me understand you AND sympathize. girlfriend...i have more to share, so keep posted. you are not alone!
oh and the whole messy thing. i wen camping with jen and rob and kids the summer i was pregnant. they were dirty the whole time. i thought i was gonna die! i rarely even let ry have a sucker cause i can't stand the mess. we are too much alike :O)
jen. that's what i love about you. frankness! i love to eavesdrop too. oh, and i'll do my best to become famous, just for you!
Ok you eavesdropping women. I'll know to watch my tongue around you! :) And Jessica? I struggle with fear issues too. :)
Okay - me. Ummm - I really feel rather boring. Let's see....
I hate ants. Truly. Ask me for my ant story and once I share it with you - you'll understand why.
I can't stand wet paper. My mom (who is a perfectionist) used to have me clean things with a paper towel and windex until that wet little thing was falling apart. I really get grossed out over wet paper. I much prefer to use rags to clean than paper towels.
I Can't Stand (I literally get the shivers) smacking. Mouth sounds of any kind, people kissing on tv, or when some one needs to get a drink, make me want to vomit. Struggling not to rip my kids heads off at the table at times. This is really hard for Robby, he swears he can't hear it.
I have bad dreams about ladders and stairs with no railings. I can go up but I can't come down. It's not height, just putting my foot between the rungs.
I had severe anxiety attacks from 16 to about 26. I once tore up an entire phone book to cope. I actually do have OCD,and once took medication for it, but God helps me cope by throwing me in the deep end.
I have a dark side, or at least my flesh, without Christ, is drawn to darker things. I know this about myself and I protect myself from it.
I get a sensation, like a major chill, from the Holy Spirit, when God wants me to know he is in something. Every hair stands on end and I shiver. Because I am a sceptic by naure, God has to tell me he is there.
And Dionna, When I was a kid, I ate paper. Chewed on books while I read them.
Jeni B
you are so funny. i watched nataya when her and austinwere about 5 years old. they played outside all day and were filthy by the time kendra came to get her. i apologized for how dirty she was and she said "i know the dirtier she is the more fun she had". remember that. you have a little boy. he is going to get dirty. that is what they do. you have to grit your teeth and let him be a boy. a dirty one. one that is having fun. when you start to freak call me and i will walk you through it :o)
okay, the trip thing. i can relate because 8.5 yrs into my marriage, we still haven't had a honeymoon. doesn't look like we'll be getting one anytime soon either. so, yes, i still kick myself to this day for not just biting the bullet and going big on the honeymoon thing. i also relate to the dirt thing. thankfully my girl doesn't get dirty, but then i have my boy. i have to remind myself (along w/ my husband talking in my ear) that he is a boy, let him be.
I have a huge fear of walking on dams or bridges. I cannot make myself get near the edge and look over. I get sweaty and dizzy just thinking about it. I just KNOW I am going to fall over.
I have often thought that I would like to write a book. But I can't even put 2 thoughts together.
And yes, it is true about Jessica's story about wanting to clean that poor child up! My sister and I almost had to pin her down!
Steph I like the new look on the blog. Jarett and I started a fire in a vacant lot once. But who doesn't know that already?
I didn't know that Matt. I'm not surprised though. ;O)
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