ok so i just posted but i came across a blog tonight via kimberly (thanks girl :O) and i just had to share. i am going to show you a few pictures from the blog then you can check it out yourself. i was so intrigued, gasping in disbelief and in the same breath laughing...so what is it you ask? it's a blog about cake disasters . seriously, if you are as intrigued as me, you'll go from one page to the next, eyes wide with wonder and amazement. so here is a sneak peak at the horrific adventure you will embark...

did you see the cake that was to be a mimic of p diddy? yep that one was actually a cake at his party! then there is the all innappropriate baby one. yuck. i mean who wants to eat that? i just love the two cakes that brides had made to look like themselves. creepy!!!! um yeah, not sure about the whole "poo" cake. to each his own!
yep, these are just the tip of the iceberg. have fun checking them out www.cakewrecks.blogspot.com
those are great!
I spent way too much time looking at cakes after I found that site. It's like a car wreck -- you just can't look away!
I love the first one! ha!!!!
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