Saturday, August 23, 2008

family time

i know it's been like...three weeks since i last posted. i'm ashamed to say it, but i have actually been too busy. and you how it is, like when you haven't talked to a friend for a long time and you keep thinking you need to make the call, but then it's that much harder to do it cause there's too much to say? it's a bit like that. i haven't been on vacation or anything, we have just been VERY busy spending time with rich's family. his sister, brother-in-law, brother, and nephew were all in town and we basically planned out the week accordingly so that not a minute was spared. there were many a family dinners, not excluding great desserts, smores and bonfire one night. and we can't forget trainwreck. we also went up past idaho city one afternoon to do some panning for gold. it was a fun experience, but no, we did not come back loaded. the only thing we found were a couple leaches that had attached themselves to emily and i. yeah...yummy. i almost threw up. i've never had one on me and don't plan to make a habit of it. then we did some shopping, the guys went shooting, played golf, and just got in lots of good family time. we don't get to see his brother and sister, but maybe once a year, twice if we're lucky, so this was certainly a treat.
this last weekend rich, ry, and i tried to lay low at the house, but we did end up going fishing with rich's bro rob and his three kids.we had a good time for the exception of the horribly hot weather. it was sunday, the day it hit like 105 or something? not to mention we were fishing in lake lowell, which is not exactly a lake i like to get felt like bath water and there was a nice thick green algae in the water. yummy. BUT the fishing was good. rob, rich, and i all caught large mouth bass, about 14 inches in length, and austin caught about a 7 incher. ry on the other hand did not catch anything, he just kept us busy running from here and there, asking for food, drink, juice, and trying to run as fast as he could along the shore. he did, however, enjoy touching and seeing the fish we caught.
here are just a couple pictures capturing his excitement. he was just thrilled to see the fish...he loves them.

after all that, we opted to stay in as much as possible this weekend. we did spend fri night at rich's parents for a goodbye bbq for matt and cole.
i know one thing for sure, the 80's have been a god send. i love the summer, but i'm very ready for a bit cooler weather...anyone else? (besides jen....) :O) hope all your summers have been wonderful with lots of great memories.


Meg said...

We were so thankful to have been able to see everyone!!! I'm glad you had as much fun as we did! I'll get you some of the pics I took soon. :)

The Stogsdills said...

It's adorable that he likes the fish so much. Me and Brian are going to have to get Isabelle in contact with some fish, I bet she would love it. I have to agree with you as well, I'm definately ready for some cooler weather!

Matt said...

Where was the fish when I was out there? Cole and I had lots of funny hanging with the family. Can't wait until our next trip.