Monday, July 14, 2008

pieces of my heart II

you fight the good fight
try to do what's right
and still you get knocked down

you try till you strain
yet it feels so in vain
and you're left sitting there with a frown

how much can you do?
is it really up to you?
is there someone to take your place?

you've given it all
and yet you still fall
seems it's time that you called on His grace

He promises His best
and all He requests
is your heart, soul, strength, and mind

but even more, in return,
you will learn
that peace is what you'll find

a worthy exchange
for to die is to gain
a life of eternity

so humble yourself
give up power & wealth
and in His safe arms you will be

this is my story
one day told in glory
how Jesus has rescued me

i once was blind
a soul of a different kind
but through his shed blood now i see...

the promises you read
are not just for me
they were given for all who recieve
your salvation is here
in His word he's made clear
all who come to Him will be free
take hold of this hope
so that you will know
where you'll spend your eternity
live & breath in this truth
that He's written for you
and you too will finally believe


kitkat said...

written beautifully, thank you for sharing

Rich Smith said...

Loved the poem Babe!
You really have a gift for putting what is in your head onto paper...

Philip and Melissa said...

Oh my gosh, that's have a real gift with words!