Thursday, June 19, 2008


last night was long. the two days prior were even longer and this morning i was very tired. i'd just put my sick little boy to bed and i caught a glimpse of my patio. i peered through the window to take in the beautiful potted flowers the ones in the flower beds and i thought, "thank you so much lord for those flowers. they bring me so much joy and i'm blessed to have them." it may seem like a funny thing to stop and thank him for, but i've been trying to be conscious of the little things. to live in daily gratitude instead of thinking on things i think i want or need which lead to discontent. it is NOT an easy task. i trust that he knows my needs and that he's got it under control and for me to think on such is a waste of energy. so i try to stop and thank him for things as i notice them throughout the day. such as flowers. or maybe it will be a pantry and fridge full of food. maybe it's my tv one day. it might be my bed another and my family the next. all i now is that it's a much better way to live.
honestly from the world's perspective, i could probably look at my life and feel overlooked, disappointed, stressed, worried, fearful, or just plain weary. but thanks to a good god, who keeps promises, i have his eyes to see my life and the world around me through and i have to tell you...i like the view from up here and the way of living it leads me to.
you should give it a try. maybe it's been a while since you did. maybe today you need to just stop and smell the flowers or find something else not so obvious to give thanks for.
you won't regret it. when we live in praise we unleash supernatural power over our life. so in exchange for feelings of being overlooked you get love. for disappointment you get gratitude. for stress, peace. for worry, provision. for fear, courage. and for weariness he gives you rest. not a bad deal i'd say. i think i'll take it.
speaking of being greatful, thank the lord my baby is still asleep. i think i'll go take a nap!
have a wonderful afternoon.


Mama Lisa said...

lovely post. thanks for reminding us all of God's grace.

Anonymous said...

i love this! (minus a sick little boy again!!!)

Our Ministry said...

Very good. I hope you had a great time in Oregon.