
jeez. seriously. does time have to go so freakin fast? may i be honest? oh, yeah, it's my blog. ok, i don't like this whole growin up thing my son seems to be doing. every day as a mommy, i do my best to instil things in my son that i think he'll need later in life when it really counts. then, all of sudden, he is actually starting to put those things into practice. one of the joys of my boy is that he is incredibly considerate of others (so much like his daddy.) he is always looking out for others, sharing everything with everyone, he's affecitionate, and very outgoing. i love those things about him because those are the things that come naturally. now, what i'm beginning to see, is him saying and doing all the little things his dad and i have said a million times. my confirmation is that he uses them in the right context. for instance, when he wants your attention or wants to get by something/someone, he says excuse me (may not sound exactly like the word). when you give him something he says thankyou. he has even picked up on the whole "bless you" thing when someone sneezes (thanks to dad). i think he struggles a bit with remembering to say please because of his natural, selfish two year old self. but give him a second and ask him what he's supposed to say and a please will fly out of his mouth with the sign language and everything. hmmmm, a mother's pride. now, i'm not saying he's perfect. oh no, far from (ok, not that far :O) he's all about testing me. i'm pretty sure there has never been a more stubborn, independent child. don't argue, this is my blog!) i just want to clarify that because i don't want you to be surprised if he goes off and hits or kicks your child :O( he is a boy. and sooooo very boy, loaded with as much testosterone as god could give, so he's liable to act out in that nature (my apologies go out up front for any offenses :O) but all in all, he's sweet, kind, happy, full of energy and wonder and imagination, and very loving.
so with that said, right now i'm in the process of preparing for his second birthday and i'm cringing and fighting all the way. i'm doing it, i'm planning his party cause that's the kind of mommy i am, but i'm not happy about it. i'm having a hard time with him growing up. it seems too fast. i mean he walks around with his hands in his pockets, going on and on about who knows what, like he's 25! ugh. too fast. just way too fast. he's even been telling me he wants to go sit on the potty to go pee pee, cause he wants to be big you know, and i'm sitting here thinking, you are too dang little to be out of diapers! (as much as my budget would welcome the relief) i just can't wrap my head around him being old enough. well, i guess you gotta love it. it's all part of the territory. so, i either embrace it or be miserable all the way to his 18th birthday. god help me i will choose embrace. let's hope the next year slows down just a pace or two. that would be helpful. in the process, i'll do my best to be "present" AND maybe go ahead with the whole potty training thing :O)
or to get your attention he says "mama...mama...mama...mama...
mama...mama..." until you want to tear your ears off. gotta love him.
make sure you are present. i have be deliberate in doing that since Em was born. i knew she was my last and I needed to savor every moment with the kids. now look at me. in the blink of an eye my kids are 13, 8 and 5. hold on to him tight.
jen is right. time goes. so good to see you gals realizing that early on though. I think I was always ready for the next stage and didn't realize the passing of childhood.
hang on tight!
I just realized last week that after this year, I will no longer have an elementary school child. That hurts. More than when I realized I know longer would have any at home all day. It did go fast. Hold them a lot, and get down on the floor and play!!!
I can totally relate with you! Its amazing how time flies when you are a mommy. Good luck potty training! :)
thanks for the encouragement and wisdom gals. you are all great moms!
I love the picture of Ry holding the frog. It was so much fun watching him playing with the frog this summer.
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