Wednesday, July 23, 2008

how much?

how much suffering can one man take?
will he give it his all or turn and forsake
the life he was given from one who died
He was perfection, not a sin, not one lie
and yet to Calvary He carried His cross
as He took His last breath, many thought all was lost
but three days later He rose from the dead
He kept His promise, He did what He said
so how much suffering do you think you can bare?
His suffering to yours can't even compare
will you trust Him or hate Him, can you give Him your heart?
His purpose is greater and he has not forgot
His promise of new life, one void of all pain
these trials you go through will not be in vain
so again, how much suffering can one man take?
just enough to prepare for a glorious fate
so when you think you can't take anymore
just cling to the cross & swim for the shore
as peter had faith to step out of the boat
the same gift offered you, wrapped in peace and hope

i have a friend who is going through much more than my two year season could ever bring. she is strong, faithful, consistent, loving, caring, and absolutely unique. she is about to battle the enemy on his territory and i would ask you to pray for her. she faces the threat of loosing her daughter. i do not believe this is God's plan. i believe there's something greater at stake that he will accomplish through her and this situation. if you will, pray today for her strength, peace, clarity of mind, and empowering faith. i know we all go through hard times and we'd like to believe there are people on their knees for us. so, please go to yours for her.
thank you so much.

1 comment:

Jen said...

she is in my prayers.