Monday, July 28, 2008

food for thought

is it me, or does it seem that god's always trying to teach us something. even if you think you are not in the trenches of a battle, he is always giving us opportunity to learn. well, i can say for myself, that He's ALWAYS working on something in my life. over the last two years, one of the big ones was faith. or should i say my lack of it. i tried to corner it into a couple different categories, one being control and the other worry, but they both really came down to a hard truth, that i lacked faith. when you do not have faith or trust in the Lord, you will ultimately feel a need to control things. this control comes out of fear because you don't know what is going to happen so you get worried, you try to control, and then it all just falls apart and you find you've taken the long, hard road back to the Lord. ok, so maybe this is just me. but he's been teaching me about my faith - putting full dependence on him, trusting that he loves me and he'll meet my needs in every way. it goes beyond just food and drink and clothing. there are so many other needs i have to have met by him or i will just go back to my old friends "control and worry" and trust me, they are always there, as faithful as they come, just waiting to find a place back in my life. so by providing my daily manna, literally, i've really been forced in to trusting him. we've watched god provide moment by moment for us in the most exciting, amazing ways. he always comes through. now, i'm not claiming all our bills were met, but we did not starve and we had gas to get us where we needed to go and clothes on our backs. but i will say that where we did not have money one month, it would come back around the next to get us caught up.
the cool thing about manna is that it was a picture of the true manna god would provide for the children of israel, the eternal life giving manna...jesus. so as he's provided my physical needs, i've been reminded how much more he's provided me through christ.
i figure i'm not alone in this great challenge and so i wanted to share with you what my bible says about worry. it's given me some much needed insight and wisdom.
if you read matthew 6:25-34 you'll find jesus telling his disciples not to worry. these verses followed his instruction to not put faith and dependence in worldly treasures (6:19-24). what i want to share is one of the "word wealth's" my bible gave as a tool to understanding this portion of scripture

"the word WORRY means to divide into parts. it suggests a distraction, preoccupation with things that cause anxiety, stress, and pressure. jesus speaks against worry & anxiety because of the watchful care of a heavenly father who is ever mindful of our daily needs. the words of this portion of scripture teach us how to live in uncertain financial times without stress or fear. financial fear is
1. unreasonable: we are not to become distracted from the substantial issues of life over less important matters like what we will eat or wear
2. unnatural: we're the only creation who worries. god provides for birds and we're more valuable. we are outside of God's natural design when we worry
3. unhelpful: worry and fear do not produce anything worthwhile
4. unnecessary: god provides for his own and promises to take care of our needs
5. unbelieving: we are acting as if god did not exist when we live in financial fear. our heavenly father knows our needs and he WILL provide."

good stuff? i thought so. especially that last one. that one really convicted me. i don't ever want to be accused of being unbelieving. so i have only one choice. to trust him. i really hope you are encouraged today to know you're not alone. it doesn't have to be finances. there are many kinds of worries and anxieties. the point is that daily we have to submit these fears to God and choose to trust him. his blessings awaits those who are faithful and obedient.
all my love to those of you hurting. please let me know if i can pray for you.


Alisha Beverly said...

Just what I needed to hear. Thanks!

Matt said...

You are not alone out there. This last year has been one for the record books for me. God is always at work in our hearts changing us into something better. The question then becomes are we willing to let Him? Thanks for the encouraging words.

kitkat said...

Thank you for this post. I would have to say that Phil and I have been tested like we have never been tested before when it comes to faith, maybe more me. I'm a lot like you. We are in the thick of it right now and it's very hard to get yourself out of the pit! For days I have felt like I was on the brink of a panic attack. I don't know what is going to happen and I have to tell myself all day that God has taken care of us up to this point and He's going to continue to take care of us, whether it's through a miraculous funding or another job or who knows what. I can go on and on about our current situation, but I'll leave it at that. Again, thank you.

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing your heart and the wisdom that God has revealed to you :)K

hot potato said...

as always, you are a blessing to me, steph. i needed this reminder/permission not to fall into a very alluring state of mind...worry. the part of the defn that talks about the "preoccupation with things that cause stress and anxiety" that has my name written all over it.

God is working overtime on me, too. forcing me to go deep. i have committed to live a holy life through a desire to be intimate with my Maker. well, that's easier said than done and He's taking me through a spiritual bootcamp. i am holding on...sometimes barely. at this point, i don't have a choice. and that's His point i guess, huh?

i am praying for you and i would too covet your prayers for me. i love you very much. you are a constant source of light for me and those around you. may our God bless you abundantly.