i had gone to water this plant which is actually my moms (i was plant sitting while she was gone) and as i poured, water just trickled out the sides of the plant, as though it wasn't being absorbed at all. so i pulled it down to see what was going on and found this nest inside (the bird was not in it at the time.) i gasped as i realized i'd been flooding the nest with water. i'll tell ya though, that thing is indestructable. it just held that water like a bowl. i couldn't see the nest in the plant because it hangs so high on our front patio (and as we know, i'm a bit vertically challenged). so i ran inside, got papertowels and began trying to soak up all the water. i will be honest, i dumped ALOT of water into that plant before realizing something wasn't right, so there was a lot to soak up. i must have gone through 20 paper towels by the time i was finished. well we managed to get it all out thankfully. soon after we met our guest taking up residency at our little "smith inn."
a few days later we discovered that she had finally laid these beautiful blue eggs.
since taking this picture she has laid two more eggs and i believe they may have hatched. but i can't be positive. she's been bringing in stuff that looks like food, but it may be more materials to patch up the nest. not sure. i have not heard little chirps or anything yet so i won't know till i pull it down. we have to wait until she flies off to take a peak. i'll make sure to grab a couple pictures to share. of course, if you have not ever seen baby birds up close, they are nothing like that of a child's imagination. they are quite ugly and freaky looking to be honest. but i'll post them anyway :O)
i almost forgot a couple more details about that day. previously in the afternoon i had seen two robins on my fence. i believe they may have been trying to mate :O) i'm not sure what exactly was going on, but it seemed quite flirtatious to me. it seemed there was a lot of "bird" activity going on out on our porch that day cause soon after that i heard a loud bang on my dining room door. i'd heard that noise before
and was sure i knew what it was. when i opened the door i found this little guy....
he was stunned as he could be. can't you see the hollow look in his eyes? he stayed in that exact position for about 10 minutes, quivering every once in a while. i thought for sure he was a gonner. this had happened before, but the bird eventually flew off so i was keeping hope alive. i gave him a little pet, but nothing. we waited a little longer. eventually he snapped out of it and flew away. i hope he was ok. i felt terrible. i'm not a huge bird fan, but i did feel bad for this little one. guess i need to get some drapes or blinds on that thing. hopefully this is the end of our little visitors for a while.
You guys and your birds! Too funny.
HOW CUTE! I love this kind of story!
Kitkat: If you want a great bird story check mine out from year. :)
i give you credit for taking pictures. love the one of the blue eggs.
How are you going to keep your moms' plant alive with bird eggs? HA HA
We have killdeer nests in our backyard and we love to check on them.
OOH I'm loving those pictures, thanks for sharing! I am a bird fan, don't know the names or the calls, but do love to look at them. What a lovely little "inn" :)K
what a lovely color those baby eggs are.
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