Friday, June 6, 2008

hum drum

today feels quiet, disconnected. ever get that feeling about a day? i can see the wind blowing the leaves on the trees, i can hear the garbage truck, an airplane flying overhead, and every once in a while, the chirp of my dog wanting in, but still, it feels quiet. it's not like i haven't seen my friends and family lately. i totally have. quite a bit in fact. it's not a depressed feeling or anything, it just feels quiet. hard to explain. almost like there's not much going on around me. (man, could i be more off on that one!) but like i said, it's just a feeling.
maybe it's the weather. in fact, i'm 98% sure that's it. it's overcast and cool. typical indoor weather which i think can give that sort of quiet, disconnected feeling i'm talking about. i guess this will just have to be a day to get out and do something with my son. even if we just go to a store to browse, we WILL go immerse ourselves into society. then we shall see if i still feel the same way!

1 comment:

phil said...

I know the feeling well. i'm amazed at how much weather can effect our moods. But don't worry, the weather will be hot and unbearable soon enogh and we'll be longing for these cool, crisp, windy days we oddly experienced in early june.

Take solace in your peace and quiet too. Sometimes it's those moments of solitude and calm in the middle of the storm that are the most memorable.