you wanna know somethin interesting? no? well, i'm tellin ya anyway. today, after i pulled all of my son's clothes out of the dryer i went to get hangers to hang them up. i began to put one little piece on at a time and before i knew it, i'd hung them all with no hangers left to spare. a perfect distribution! i think stuff like that's amusing. it's even more amusing because it happens alot. i'd say 8 out of 10 times i'm either right on or with in a few hangers of what i need. now, i'm not cheating by doing a brief count, i just go get them, grab what i think will be enough, and go hang. maybe it's silly chance, but it's amusing none the less. if i am off by quite a bit, it's usually when i do rich's white t-shirts.
i'd like to know if there is anyone else who has something like that. something that always seems to happen the same way or a number that comes up a lot (i know my sister-in-law does...)so spill the beans.
here are a couple of pictures of the newly hatched baby birds. as i said, they are NOT pretty. amazing they'll turn out to look like their mom knowing this is how they started. i wanted to get a couple shots when they first hatched, but each time i'd think to take a picture, the mother would be in the nest. well anyway. now i have it documented, in case i don't have the pleasure of another nest again.
yesterday was the start of a bible study i'm doing with the beth moore siestas! i'm so excited to be a part of it. it looks like all 50 states are in and thousands of women. we are going through a book called "no other gods" by kelly minter (who doesn't need to read something with THAT title?) myself and three others are taking the journed together. i know that it will be challenging, convicting, refreshing, and an opportunity to grow which is what i'm all about these days. just draw me closer to jesus! i don't know about you, but i've got plenty enough distractions pulling my attn away from him. so i always love something that keeps me thinking, pondering, meditating, and stirring up my heart. it's not too late to join if this is the first time you're hearing about it and think you might be interested. you can go through the book yourself. you don't have to have a group to do it. go to her site to get details (you'll see my link to her site labeled "beth moore" on the right side of my blog when you scroll down)
oh, and since i'm at it (writing about random things in one post that have no connection what-so-ever) my sweet husband showed up a few minutes ago with a delicious dessert he brought back from cottonwood grill. every month, his broker takes the realtors who've gotten "threes or better" (a little contest thing they always have going on...well more like a recognition type of thing)... ANYWAY. he's made it quite a few times since the beginning of the year, which i'm soooo proud of him for. not many realtors qualify to start with and when they do, it's not very often. so, i'd say it's something to be proud of. he typically gets lunch and dessert and then calls to tell me all about it :O) (it IS one of my favorite restaurants in town you know.) this time, he brought his dessert home to me just to say thanks, that he loves me, and that he wanted to recognize me for all i do. very thoughtful wouldn't you say? those "just because" gifts are definately the best and he's good at thinking them up.
thank so much babe. you made my day and it is D-lish. i'm saving the rest to share with you later.
You bet girl! You are worth every bit of it and so much more!
Here's one of mine-I always look at the clock at 3:33...DAY or NIGHT! This has been happening for about 15 years!
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